Command Line on Linux


There are two options, option 1 is recommended for users running APSIM on cloud infrastructure (HPC, AWS, Azure) or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

  1. run APSIM using a docker container
  2. install APSIM using debian file (.deb) to see how to do this click here

Running APSIM on Linux using Docker container

Note: it helps to be familiar with the linux command line basics to perform the following steps.

  1. Make sure you have the docker engine installed. Instructions on how to do this can be found here
  2. Pull down the apsimng docker image using: docker pull apsiminitiative/apsimng
  3. To see an example of how to run the wheat example, follow the instructions from the APSIM.Docker GitHub repo otherwise continue.
  4. Organise your files into a directory. I’ll use an example directory here called test-run
  5. Place an Apsimx file in this directory called Wheat.apsimx
  6. Change directory to the newly created test-run directory.
  7. Run the simulation using this command: docker run -i --rm -v "$PWD:/test-run" apsiminitiative/apsimng /test-run/Wheat.apsimx
  8. You can use any commands available for the APSIM command line tool such as --apply or --csv after the apsiminitiative/apsimng command portion in the above docker command. The above command simply ran the Wheat.apsimx file we put in the test-run directory.